Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Read Exodus 13 (focus on verses 17-22)

We were asked to look at our past, present and future. I suppose after wanting to be a truck driver, then a journalist, I always wanted to be a teacher. When a became a teacher it was like, ok, what now? I've always wanted to teach missionary kids abroad and would love to go back to Stran and become a teacher tutor!
I feel like I need a new challenge at the moment. The past couple of months have been ones of frustration and not very much direction. I'm excited about McCreedy coming to lead us. Things will happen, as he has lots of ideas and he is good at delegation and releasing people into their gifting. I know he is nervous and it will be an interesting dynamic with us as we've been friends and shared each others hearts and frustrations over the past 4 years. But I am excited at the potential of what God could do thru us.
This year I want to focus on making short films for Mannafest and general youth work. I have a couple of ideas and really want to create time to write, direct and act. Its a passion of mine which I've let slip lately. Oh and I also want to learn to play the drums and maybe do a bit of ballroom dancing! Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Steve McCready said...

Alright...I'll go to dance lessons with you