Thursday, October 18, 2007

XXX Church

So booked these guys for hopefully 3 events in November.

#1 - Tues 20 November at lunchtime, hopefully in Mandella Hall, QUB

#2 Tues 20 November from 730pm in Bangor Elim, tickets £6

#3 - Wednesday 21 November from 10am to 12 noon in City Church Belfast, cost £10

Sir Francis Drake

So my lovely fiance sent me an email with this prayer on it saying it was from Sir Francis Drake. After receiving the prayer and thanking Katrina for her kindness I asked if it was really Sir Francis Drake. I stupidly thought she maybe got it wrong....and that it was from St Francis of Asissi....but I was wrong and should have just accepted it and kept my mouth shut. And he sort of is ginger! Anyway here is the prayer and it is very applicable or timely:

Disturb us, Lord, when

We are too well pleased with ourselves,

When our dreams have come true

Because we have dreamed too little,

When we arrived safely

Because we sailed too close to the shore.

Disturb us, Lord, when

With the abundance of things we possess

We have lost our thirst

For the waters of life;

Having fallen in love with life,

We have ceased to dream of eternity

And in our efforts to build a new earth,

We have allowed our vision

Of the new Heaven to dim.

Disturb us, Lord, to dare more boldly,

To venture on wider seas

Where storms will show your mastery;

Where losing sight of land,

We shall find the stars.

We ask You to push back

The horizons of our hopes;

And to push into the future

In strength, courage, hope, and love.

attributed - sir francis drake -1577

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

George Muller

Reading a book about this german dude who actually looks like Abraham Lincoln!

I think I'll get a lot out of the book - he was a great preacher, a great man of God, he had great faith...

Some things I have been challenged about already:

  • He preached about the Lord's return - have I ever mentioned that? Do we live in the light of his return?

  • He prayed that people would respond to his message/he prayed for converts - do I pray for the hearers of the word before I speak/preach/teach

  • He offended people and said that if people weren't offended then he probably wasn't preaching the true gospel - he liked offending people, not for the sake of offending people tho

  • he said that,
    "the important feature of your life is not so much what you do but the formation of your own strong Christian character"

Run Forest Run

Not to be confused with "RUN FAT BOY RUN" which has been mentioned to me lately! This picture was given to me by Mairisine Stanfield. Mairisine and David took a prayer night for YFC at the start of September.

4 things I was told:

  1. To trust (in God)
  2. To have no guile (or agenda)
  3. To have fun
  4. To keep it simple

"Life is like a box of chocolates, you never can tell what you are going to get!"