So here is the crew minus some of my home Pete"the legend"thompson and alan "abu" cowan. we were up in whitepark bay, and have been ever since i joined yfc. it aint a bad thing cos it is beautiful up there. our topic was "humility". enough said. taking our retreat was aaron pierce from 24, hence why i am wearing my 24 tshirt, to pay homage to the best damn bodyguard i have ever known. i mean if Jack can trust him then we shud. even tho we at ctu dta. anyway it was good to catch up and hang out and have a laugh. did i tell u the topic was humility....
1 comment: sad does that picture make me! I wasn't there. :-( So wierd. You know you liked Cali that much right? Let's switch places....seriously....come know you want to!
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