Wednesday, August 20, 2008


I was speaking at DC's youth last night down in Ballyholm. We normally talk about this to young people but last night felt more real as if I was almost warning them about the reality of falling away from God.

DOC is something McCready and Gareth Bell developed when they were in Dromore.

90% of statistics aren't true(so does that mean that even that statistic aint true??) but as I look back at my life and see or don't see the same friends round me, it is devastating. People fall away, and it is a harsh reality. Last nights talk was hard to deliver but it was needed. The reason why I am involved in youth work is to change the statistic that 80% leave when they hit 18. That's why I do Mannafest and want to go deeper. FOr years I heard people criticise Mannafest for producing christians who need a monthly fix. Now we are trying to teach deeper and we get criticised. We have been told to MAKE DISCIPLES not converts, so that is my aim, my goal, my desire

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