Thursday, June 14, 2007

There's only one Ronaldo!


This is Ronaldo, the boy I sponsor with Compassion UK. He is from Haiti. He has a great name! I didn't chose him just for his name. I felt really bad looking at all the profiles and choosing one. And I guess we have no idea where our money is going, it might just ease our guilt. I suppose I just wanted to let people know about the work of Comapssion UK. I have actually been doing some lessons in schools based around the work of Compassion. We call them MAD lessons -Making A Difference. The lessons address issues of giving thanks and sharing, the problem with money in the world and how to make a difference by sponsoring a child. Let me know if you'd like more info about the lessons and check out

Everyone knows John 3 v16 but how many people know 1 John 3 v16?? Thats the real gospel message!!
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love it mate - awesome difference your making

in our desire to change the world, its easy to forget that we need to do this 1 person at a time...thanks